Equips | Work Orders Made Easy

Managing Dispatch Preferences

Learn how to manage your dispatch preferences in Equips

How to manage your dispatch preferences

Dispatch preferences allow an organization to designate a user(s) to automatically be assigned to service requests.  To view your dispatch preferences, follow these steps:

  1. Click the account icon in the top right corner
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click Organization on the left side
  4. Select Dispatch Preferences at the top

Each organization will have a default destination, the email address listed here will receive all service requests. To update that user, delete the current email address, enter the new user, and click Save.

How to set dispatch exceptions

Organizations are also able to designate a user(s) to specific locations, pieces of equipment, or equipment categories. Once designated, this user will automatically be assigned to any service request for that location or equipment. These designations are called Exceptions – to set Exceptions, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Dispatch Preferences page (see above)
  2. Scroll to Exceptions
  3. Click the green “+ Add Custom Route” button on the right
  4. Select how you would like to route, i.e., to what you are designating the user (location, equipment, equipment category)
  5. Select the location, equipment, or category
  6. Enter the user’s email address under Main Internal Maintenance Contact field, you can designate more than one user by clicking Add Additional Contacts below the field
  7. Click Save

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