Empower your healthcare facility with our easy-to-use work order software - streamline maintenance operations, reduce costs, and enhance productivity with a platform your team will love.

Equipment Checkups
No more missed maintenance. Schedule recurring maintenance or inspections in a few easy clicks and automatically receive reminders when it's time to complete. Plus, you have all the details you need for compliance reports and audits.
Facility maintenance without the stress
From request to report, Equips maps your entire maintenance process in one place. With preventive maintenance, work order approval, checklists and more, your team will be on track to smooth operations.

Core Equips Features
Use Equips CMMS & Service Management to Power Your Service Maintenance.
Do Your Best Work
Experience the benefits of Equips
The situation is always the same for any industry. See the difference Equips makes.
Without Equips
With Equips