Equips | Work Orders Made Easy


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Work Order Form Template

What is a Work Order?

When it comes to organizing and executing maintenance tasks, having detailed work orders is essential. Whether for emergency repairs, routine maintenance and cleaning, or special projects, a work order provides all the information about a maintenance task and outlines a process for completing that task.

Regardless of the type of maintenance, from HVAC and plumbing to landscaping, a work order can help to organize and track your work. These are either used within an organization or sent to external service providers. An effective work order form should include all the job details a technician needs to get the task done quickly and accurately.

Why Use a Google Sheets Work Order Form Template?

A work order form template can help save time by making sure you have all the necessary information on every work order. Google Sheets work order templates allow you to capture information, share it and get the work done as easily as possible. 

What Should a Google Sheets Work Order Form Include?

Below you will find detailed information of what to include on every work order form template to keep your work orders consistent.

For requestor to complete


This should be the main point of contact for the maintenance task, the requestor is responsible for filling and submitting the work order. Be sure to include relevant contact information for field technicians to follow up with any questions.

Date of request

Dating each work order helps organize work based on submission date and track resolution times for staff or technicians.

Request details

The work order request should include all details about the maintenance issue or requested project. While the requester may not understand what needs to occur, they should describe what caused the issue (if known), what symptoms they notice, and their desired outcome is.


The location of the incident – a specific building, room, or asset. This information should help the technician respond faster to the maintenance request.

Preferred completion date

If the maintenance task must be complete by an absolute deadline, including the deadline can help organize and prioritize all work requests.

Priority level

Assigning a priority level ensures that the maintenance team can recognize and respond to urgent needs.

For maintenance team to complete

Work Approved By

An approver can sign the work order to document approval to begin work.

Description of Completed Work

Once the technician responds to the maintenance request, they should provide a detailed summary of completed work. This can serve as a helpful resource in the future should a similar issue occur in the future.

Work Completed By

A record of who completed the maintenance task is essential for follow up or proof of labor.

Date of Completion

Finally, a date of completion ensures an accurate work history for all your assets. It is important to track how often equipment fails and resolution time for each repair.

Challenges to Using a Work Order Form Template

Lost requests

When using work order forms, it is easy to lose requests on desks or in email inboxes. With a digital work order system, you can ensure that technicians have easy access to all the information they need to complete the task and you have a record of what they did, when.

Delayed communication

It takes time to update and send work orders between requesters, maintenance managers and technicians. Digital work order tracking allows all parties to track the status of a request and share live progress updates.

Poor records

Although a form helps consolidate information, paper requests often have missing information or errors. Storing past requests can be cumbersome and it is difficult to monitor maintenance history for a single asset or location. Using a digital work order system ensures more accurate records and better facility planning and budgeting.

Streamline Your Work Orders with a Digital Work Order System

Using a work order management software to mange your maintenance request allows you to create, assign and track your work orders from one single platform. With a cloud-based system anyone in your organization can submit a request on any device from anywhere. Create automated workflows and the system will automatically assign and notify a technician of the task.

With quick check ins and updates, everyone can stay in the loop of work to be done. It is easy to schedule future work for preventive maintenance tasks to ensure equipment is reduce expensive downtime. Plus, gather all work history in one place and manage all your assets without the endless spreadsheets.

Try the Equips easy-to-use work order system today.

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